home care services in calicut

Home Care Services

Home care services are health services including nursing care, physiotherapy or home health aid services provided at home. We at Malabar Hospital provides home care services, ensuring high-quality healthcare, accessible to the community, Integrated healthcare for elderly chronically ill patients and patients recovering post-surgery. We ensure that they receive personalized attention from well - trained and qualified healthcare providers at their homes.

Our Home Care service will be administered through plan-based customizable programs that incorporate partnership between family members and the caregivers. This care has a viable option for first aid to management of long term disease.

Doctors on Call

Doctors on Call​​​

Nurses on Call​​​

Nurses on Call​​​

Delivery of Medicine

Delivery of Medicine​​​

Health Checkup @ Home

Health Checkup @ Home​​​

Lab Sample Collection

Lab Sample Collection

Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation

Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation​​​

HELPLINE NUMBER: +91 75589 34934

With Malabar Hospital as your homecare services provider, you will enjoy personalized service built around your needs. We have a team of dedicated professionals at Malabar Hospital on hand, to answer all your questions and to address any concerns. You can call Malabar Hospital at any time to learn about our in-home care services.